The current focus is on building trailhead parking areas, repairing and controlling erosion, planning and building trails, and creating signs to mark trails and other features. See our proposed trails on the map.
- The Committee plans to extend the new foot trail that starts at the new parking lot on the West Newbury side of the mountain to the junction of Old Boulevard and Tucker Mountain Road. The extension will continue all the way to the top for hikers, mountain bikes and horses. Where the new trail now reaches the Old Boulevard, it will continue up the Boulevard to the Town Forest boundary, then switch back up the side of the mountain to a ridge, head north and meet an old road that passes west of the vernal pool and continue on to the top.
- A looped foot trail from Tucker Mountain Road to a viewpoint at the top of Woodchuck Mountain, returning on the opposite side of the mountain.
- A foot trail traveling southeast from a point on the west section of Tucker mountain road to the Tucker Mountain summit.
- Other trails will be considered for planning and construction. All trail building and maintenance will be consistent with our goal of managing the property for wildlife, environmental impact and respect for private property.
- During logging operations, we will work with our forester to develop skid roads with future trails in mind.