The 2023 Tucker Mountain Town Forest Management Plan
was first written in 2019, our first year as a committee. Ideas and opinions were gathered at public meetings and through an on-line survey and were incorporated into the plan. The plan describes the forest and lays out a plan going forward with regard to uses of the property, regulations, recreation, roads and trail development, and environmental stewardship.
Click here to download the Plan.
The Grant of Development Rights, Conservation Restrictions, and Public Access Easement
is an agreement between the Vermont Land Trust and the Town of Newbury that assures protection and preservation of the land using sound ecological principles. It outlines any restrictions to the use of the land, protections of wetlands, and management of forest stands for harvesting.
Click here to download the document.
The Rapid Ecological Assessments Parts I and II
were produced for the Vermont Land Trust prior to the sale of the property to Newbury by two environmental science college students. These assessments are interesting overviews of the property that look at historical, botanical, geological, wetlands, recreational and wildlife features. They include maps and photographs.
The Forest Management Plans and related maps can be provided by request from